The academic library (est. 15. 12. 2011) with its fonds is located in the main building (Botanická ul. 354/2). It is divided into one main and three secondary libraries. Both students and teachers can now choose from over 2 395 books, 1421 sheets and 2 075 CDs and DVDs. Sloavk (Hudobný život, Slovenská hudba, Musicologica Slovaca, Hudba, Acta Humanica, Musicologica Istropolitana, Epicure) and international (Opus Musicum, Hudební rozhledy, Österreichische Musikzeitschrift, Resonancias, 2 art & arts education, Resonance, Journal of Music Theory, Musikometrika) magazines are availible as well.
Opening hours: during work week since 8:00 till 18:00
Pozn.: Students can use the internet connection during the opening hours of the library.