
Study programmes

Currently HUAJA BS offers two accredited bachelor's (Bc.) And two master's ( programs.


Want to know more about the people behind HUAJA? In this section you will find all information about our staff.

Study department

Do you need more information about studying at the Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy in Banská Štiavnica?

Pedagogical study

Nowadays we offer complementary pedagogical studies to the classical bachelor and master study.

SPS and other forms of study

Are you interested in a preparatory semester or other forms of study? All information about additional forms of study can be found here.


Complete schedule for the school year can be found here. The schedule is available for download in PDF format.

Entrance exams

Important dates associated with the entrance exams, prerequisites, fees and much more can be found here.

Data Forms

Applications, forms and other relevant documents. Everything available for download in PDF format in this section.


Information on the amount of individual fees associated with studying at HUAJA and payment methods can be found here.

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