Why study at HUAJA

Music is a creative art, but it is also a social phenomenon and, sometimes, a political tool – music does not exist in isolation from other arts, culture or society. The study of music therefore involves consideration of many historical and creative factors, as well as providing unique and highly valued skills such as analytical and lateral thinking, cooperation, negotiation and the development of creative imagination.

Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia) offers attractive Bachelor, Master and Doctoral Study Programme which are taught in Banská Štiavnica and partly in Bratislava:

Music Performance and Composition (HIaT)

During the Bachelor Study Programme students complete theoretical and practical subjects, bachelor diploma work (theoretical and practical part) in three years (6 semesters) – full-time study and part-time study. It could be in shorter time if the student fulfils the prescribed conditions (he already studied at other universities and institution with ECTS which enables acknowledgement of the same or similar theoretical and artistic subject). The graduates gain the Bachelor Diploma and the title Bc., which enables the continuation at the magister (master) programmes at artistic universities worldwide.

During the Master Study Programme students complete theoretical and practical subjects, master diploma work (theoretical and practical part) in two years (4 semesters) – full-time study and part-time study. It could be or in shorter time if the student fulfils the prescribed conditions (he already studied at other universities and institution with ECTS which enables acknowledgement of the same or similar theoretical and artistic subject). The graduates gain the Master Diploma and the title Mgr. art., which enables the continuation at the artistic doctoral study programmes (ArtD., D.M.A., D.M. etc.) at artistic universities worldwide.

Doctoral Study Programme: Music Performance and Composition (HIaT)

The doctoral study program is oriented on:

  • acquirement of the knowledge resulting from the current artistic state,
  • acquirement of the ability of own creative artistic work in the field of musical art that reflects the current state of musical art,
  • motivation of independent creative and theoretical activity in the field of creative musical art.

The aim of the doctoral study is the ability to present musical artistic achievement (performance, compositional work or multimedia project) that solves the serious problems of musical art and brings new knowledge and impulses in the field of musical art development in an international context. The doctoral study involved the dissertation work – practical part (presentation of the performance or musical composition / project) and of the theore-tical dissertation containing musical-theoretical, aesthetic and historical basis related to the artistic interpretation. Theoretically, it justifies and solves the issues relevant to the particular field of creative musical art and the development of the quality of creative musical practice. Duration of the doctoral study is 3 years in full-time study and 4 years in part-time study The graduates gain the Diploma and the title Art.D., comparable with doctoral titles (D.M.A., D.M. etc.) at artistic universities worldwide.

Why Study in Banská Štiavnica?

Banská Štiavnica in Slovakia, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, belongs to the very old and historical cities with great university tradition. The old medieval mining centre grew into a town with Renaissance palaces, Gothic and Baroque churches, elegant squares and castles. The urban centre with the surrounding mountainous landscape and many water reservoirs is very motivating space for artists and artistic education. The city with historical buildings offers many scenes for concert and artistic presentations.

Jan Albrecht Music and Art Academy Banská Štiavnica is only one private artistic university in Slovakia. The quality of education insure the leading personalities: prof. PhDr. Zuzana Martináková, PhD. and prof. PhDr. Egon Krák, ArtD. who make guarantee and develop various kind of educational collaboration with many institutions abroad and other outstanding professors and lectors from Slovakia and abroad. Very important is the collaboration with the Prayner and Vienna Conservatories situated in the very centre of the city Vienna (Austria) with a big and long history and musical tradition. Both conservatories enjoy a great interest of students from more than 50 countries from the whole world. This collaboration enables our students to visit both conservatories, to take part on mutual projects, musical and cultural life in Vienna.

Collaboration with the Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts (BISLA) in Bratislava and Basic Music Schools of Miloš Ruppeldt enables to attend some education in Bratislava and to take part on mutual projects, musical and cultural life in Bratislava.

Our academy has the Erasmus Charter (ID code SK Bansk-S01). We organize and implement mobility of students and teachers at the partner higher education institutions in European countries, which also contribute significantly to improving the quality of education.

We constantly explore innovative teaching and assessment methods, which combine practical and theoretical approaches to music and art. We also organize special musical and artistic workshops and seminars, scientific musicological conferences, festivals, concerts etc., where also our teachers and students take place.

Our spaces are equipped with good electronic and digital facilities and we maintain a substantial library of scores, CDs, records, DVDs and videos, with private listening facilities. These are in addition to the collections in the main Academic Library.

Banská Štiavnica has a lively music scene and possibilities to give concerts in the field of classical, historical or jazz music. Banská Štiavnica stages an exceptionally varied array of artistic events – both mainstream and alternative – including the annual International Days if Classical Guitar Performance and International Music Festival Schemnitiensis focused on classical and jazz music organized by our Academy.

How will I learn?

Teaching includes primarily lectures, seminars, practical groups and tutorials which emphasis the individual or small-group teaching. This form of study allows you to be an active participant in the learning process. You are trained in Banská Štiavnica and Bratislava by professors, ass. professors and lecturers who are outstanding artistic and scientific personalities recognized home and abroad.

If you choose to study the programme specialisation performance you can also take skills courses from other specialisation music composition and vice versa, or if you study specialisation music composition you can select the subjects from other specialisation (ensemble play, performance practice in classical music or jazz, etc.).
You will be examined mainly via assessed portfolios, practical presentations (concerts, performances), seminar works and presentations. You will be prepared in bachelor final thesis or master diploma thesis – practical part (public concert or composition) and in bachelor final thesis or master diploma thesis – theoretical part (written thesis thematically related to your practical specialisation).

The doctoral study consists of lectures and seminars of the individual study plane. The doctoral study includes knowledge of newest professional literature from the theory and history of music related to the dissertation focus, the interaction between the individual artistic achievements in musical art, knowledge of developmental tendencies in musical art related to the focus of the artistic part of the dissertation work and the general professional orientation of the doctoral student.

What will I achieve after graduation Bc. Study Programme?
Graduating bachelor study programme you will familiarize with the main features of the current development worldwide and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge on the field of music theory, classical or jazz and popular composition, arrangement, sound design and electro-acoustic composition or after your specialization in classical/historical/jazz music or orchestral/choir conducting.

You gain aural skills, verbal and compositional fluency, technical skills in electronics and computing, performance skills, analysis techniques and experience of working in groups and perform with other musicians.

You develop a critical understanding of music’s contextual roles and functions in society, as well as a practical understanding of its inner workings – particularly the functions of harmony and musical thinking (modality, tonality, atonality and post-tonality).

You learn confidence in presenting your ideas, both verbally and in writing, and assurance in working alongside others. Music-making is a collaborative process and the social and organisational skills that you develop within a music degree provide invaluable preparation for a wide range of professional activities.

You gain the Bachelor Diploma (Bc.) valid worldwide which authorize you to carry on various jobs: composer, composer of electro-acoustic music, musician and performer in different ensembles (classical, historical and jazz music), conductor (choir or orchestral), theorist, musicologist, music redactor, music dramaturge and employer in musical and cultural institutions.

You gain the Supplementary Pedagogical Study Diploma to your Bachelor Diploma, which authorize you to teach at music schools, conservatories and universities at the bachelor degree.
Bachelor Diploma enables you to study at Master (Magister) Study Programmes at all music universities worldwide.

What will I achieve after graduation Mgr. art. Study Programme?

Graduating the master study programme, you get the specialization in the field of performing arts music – depending on the selected musical instrument or singing in classical or jazz music, orchestral or choir conducting, or according to the selected type of composition (classical, jazz music, electroacoustic or multimedia music).

At the same time you will get a specialized knowledge from a comprehensive analysis of composition, history of Slovak music styles and directions in music and 20. century art, music aesthetics, and also further information on the scientific methods and applied discipline of musicology.

You will be examined mainly via assessed portfolios, practical presentations (concerts, performances), seminar works and presentations. You will be prepared in master diploma thesis – practical part (public concert or composition) and in master diploma thesis – theoretical part (written diploma thesis thematically related to the practical specialisation).

Graduates will also receive verbal ability and creative communication; ability comprehensive analysis and interpretation of a musical work. They will also be able to critical attitude and understanding of the context, the role and function of music in society, as well as practical perception and understanding of musical thinking and logical evolution of music from the past to the present. They develop the capacity of perception of genre and stylistic differences in music and the arts, as well as assessing the quality of a piece of music and performing art.

You gain the Master Diploma (Mgr. art.) valid worldwide which authorize you to carry on various jobs: composer, composer of electro-acoustic music, freelance composer, music editor, musician, soloist and performer in different ensembles (classical, historical and jazz music), conductor (choir or orchestral), theorist, musicologist, music dramaturge and leading employer in the musical and cultural institutions, etc.

What will I achieve after graduation ArtD. Study Programme?

The graduate is an artistically independent creative personality who brings new impulses in the field of musical art. The graduate in the field of theoretical knowledge brings his own solutions to problems in music (artistic music performance, theory of performance, composition theory, music theory and music history). From the field of practical knowledge and skills the graduate is able to perform musical works, respectively to create compositions of the high quality at the international level, he can creatively apply the results of artistic research in their own artistic work or music performance and teaching practice. The graduate is aware of the legal, ethical and social aspects of the artistic and scientific work.

You gain the Doctoral Diploma (ArtD.) valid worldwide which authorize you to carry on various jobs: composer, composer of electro-acoustic music, freelance composer, music editor, musician, soloist and performer in different ensembles (classical, historical and jazz music), conductor (choir or orchestral), theorist, musicologist, leading position in artistic and scientific centres, etc.

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