Institutional Erasmus Co-ordinator

prof. PhDr. Zuzana Martináková, PhD.

Departmental Erasmus Co-ordinator

Mgr. Jana Valašťanová:

Erasmus Charter HUAJA has acquired in 2012. Erasmus Charter (ID code SK BANSK-S01).
HUAJA has acquired the  ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION in frame of the programme Erasmus+ in 2014 end in 2020.

Erasmus charter 2011

Erasmus charter 2014

Erasmus policy statement

Erasmus charter 2020

Erasmus Charter enables outgoing and incoming mobilities of students and staff in many countries at all partner universities with similar educational study programmes and having Erasmus Charter.

eche_2014_list_of_awarded_applications_no-ch - List of Universities with Erasmus+ CHARTER

Important informations

More information can be found on the official website Erasmus+


Study programs and course catalog

Study of these programmes are offered in three languages: Slovak, English and German. 

Course Information Sheet


Music Performance and Theory

Music Performance and Theory


Music Performance and Theory


Music Composition and Theory

Music Composition and Theory


Music Composition and Theory



Music Performance and Theory

Music Performance and Theory


Music Performance and Theory


Music Composition and Theory

Music Composition and Theory


Music Composition and Theory



Music Performance and Composition

Erasmus Policy Statement



Erasmus Student Charter

Language Policy:
Our institution offer the study programmes and course in three languages: Slovak, English and German. In case the student from abroad do not speak any of these languages, we offer 2- month courses in all three languages after demand.

ECTS system:
ECST system allows allocation of credits for graduated courses. The individual subjects are by the relevance of content of the study program divided into three groups:
Obligatory subjects (courses)
Optional obligatory subjects (courses)
Optional subjects (courses)

Way to recognize credits:
1 After finishing the Erasmus student mobility, student submits the Transcript of records to the Study department.
2 The referent of Study department after an inspection within 3 days forward with a recommendation / non-recommendation the recognition of the credits to the Departmental Erasmus Coordinator, who verifies the validity of the document. If the document is not valid or the student did not fulfil the minimum of requirements for graduation mobility, Departmental Erasmus Coordinator chooses individual approach to solve the problem. After consultation with the student and the department of Erasmus partner institution, where he graduated the student mobility, Departmental Erasmus Coordinator find the optimal way to solve the problem positively.
3 Departmental Erasmus Coordinator within 3 days proposes the Vice-rector for Education for recognition of credits of completed subjects abroad.
4 Vice-rector for Education no later than 14 days recognizes the credits and enables to complete the missing credits by graduation other courses in next semester /semesters.

Recognition of mobility achievements for study and traineeships in enterprises:
HUAJA is young institution. In case of the possibility of the student mobility placement and the study and traineeships in enterprises in future we recognise it and help to use the results of the placement in our domestic and international conditions.

Reports and evaluation of Erasmus+ mobility participants

Reports of outgoing students

Reports of incoming pedagogues

Nelida Nedelcut

Enrico Volpe 

Gianluigi Giglio

Luca Andrea Giordano

Antonio Fraioli

Reports of outgoing pedagogues

Prípadné ďalšie otázky prosím adresujte pani Mgr. Jane Valašťanovej na adresu:

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